

Page history last edited by Jesse R Linseman 4 years, 8 months ago

Computer Science, Grade 11 - Course Outline  - Curriculum Document

University Preparation

"This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will also write and use subprograms within computer programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. They will also explore environmental and ergonomic issues, emerging research in computer science, and global career trends in computer-related fields."

Looking for a challenge?Computer Science Questions

ICS3U Shared Repository on GitHub


Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework
Materials & Resources
Introduction to ICS3U Presentation

  1. File Organization & History
  2. Turing Programming Environment
  1. OCDSB student accounts & passwords
  2. Google student accounts & Repl.itSetup 


Why Learn to Code?
Did You Know? (Youtube Video)
Cisco Top 25 Predictions
Creating Your First Programs- output simple text to the screen
Presentation: Problem Solving
go to Code.org:
  1. do the "hour of code" activity
  2. Finished? Try the Lightbot programming/logic game.
  3. Complete as many [Output Exercises]as possible
  4. If all exercises complete, look ahead to tomorrow


Unit 1 - Input Processing Output (IPO)

Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework
Materials & Resources
Creating Your First Programs
- output simple text to the screen
  1. Introduction to Python
  2. VT - Socratica - Hello World 
  3. Visit Repl.it to see exercises.
  4. If all exercises complete, look ahead to tomorrow

All Python Lessons


Adding Variables & User Input
- interactive programs
  1. Presentation - Input
  2. Work [Input Exercises


VT - Socratica - Strings


Performing Calculations
  1. Presentation - Calculations
  2. Exercises - Calculations

VT - Socratica - Numbers

(ignore Complex Numbers)

Mathematical Functions
  1. Presentation -  Working with Numbers & Strings
  2. Exercises: Mathematical Functions 
5 -
3 Days
Assignment - IPO
Due Thurs. September 20th @ Midnight


Constants & Initial Values
Advanced Output & Formatting
(includes rounding)
  1. Presentation - Formatted Output in Python

Unit 2 - Selection (IF/ELSE)

Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework
Materials & Resources
Simple Selection using If/Else
(one or two pathways)
  1. Presentation - Simple If/Else Statements
  2. Exercises - Simple Decisions Part A # 1, 2, 3 
Complex Selection:
(three or more pathways)
  1. Presentation - Nested Selection Statements
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B


Logical Operators & Boolean Expressions:
  1. Presentation - Logical Operators
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B
    (try Part C if done Part B)
Assignment - Selection

Unit 3: Repetition (Loops)


Lesson Topic
Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework
Materials & Resources
10 Collections in Python

Presentation - Lists & Arrays in Python

VT - Socratica - Lists

VT - MicrosoftDev - Collections - Demo

11 Counted Loops
  1. Lesson - Counted Loops
  2. counted loop exercises
  3. more counted loop exercises
12 Conditional Loops
  1. Lesson - Conditional Loops 
  2. Exercises - Conditional Loops

VT - MicrosoftDev - Loops - Demo

13 Nested Loops
  1. Lesson - Nested Loops
  2. counted loop exercises # 4, 6
  3. more counted loop exercises # 5
  4. Conditional Loops Exercises # 2, 3
14 Random Values
  1. Presentation - Random Values
  2. Random Values Exercises
Advanced concept for further research:

Pseudorandom Number Generators

15 Random Values Quiz 
Unit Test Review
Review Presentation  

Python Test -

Friday Oct. 18th




Unit 4: Methods in Java

(also called Subroutines, Subprograms, Functions, Procedures)

Additional Reading
Materials & Resources
Variable types 
Topic on Java Variable Types 
Link to SingUp for Repl.it
IPO - Selection - Repetition in Java



  printf     Complete Printf Java Format Specifications
19 - 3 Days
Transition for Python to Java
Assignment - Transition 
 In.java file - Used for input
Present: Random Number Method
Note: Random Numbers
Ex: Random Values
Present: Intro to Methods
Note: Method Basics
VT: Introduction to Methods
Sample Code: Creating a Method
Ex: Subroutines without Parameters
Present: Passing Parameters
Note: Parameter Passing
VT: Passing Parameters to a Method
Sample Code: Method Parameters
Ex: Subroutines with Parameters
Present: Return Values
Note: Return Values
VT: Return Values from Methods
Sample Code: Return Values
Ex: Functions with Return Values
New Java Outlines for Methods
(with several video tutorials)
Note: Method Overloading 
 VT - Method Overloading
24 - 7 Days
Assignment - Methods

Unit 5: Arrays & String Methods

Additional Reading
Materials & Resources
Present: Intro to Arrays
Note - Basic Arrays
Sample Code - Arrays
  1. GeeksforGeeks - Arrays
  2. VT1: Intro to Arrays
  3. VT2: Introduction to Arrays
Exercises - Arrays # 1, 2
Present: Using Arrays

Note - Using Arrays


Sample Code - Arrays



  1. VT: Table of Values
  2. VT: Summing Elements in Array
Exercises - Arrays

May. 02

3 Days

Present: String Methods
- Considering Strings as Arrays
Note - String Methods
VT: String Methods
Exercises - Strings# 1, 4, 3, 7, 8
May 7 Advanced Array Concepts
Sample Code: Dynamic Arrays
VT - Using Array Elements as Counters (frequency table)
VT: Table of Values
VT - Multi-Dimensional Arrays
GitHub Repository
7 Days (Skipped)
Assignment - Voting System Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Array Note - Grade 12
4 Days (Skipped) 
Assignment - GitHub
Unit 4 & 5 Review   Extra Review WS     
May 23 Unit 4 - Methods & Unit 5 Arrays and String Methods Test
Arrays Note
 SignUp for a Sololearn Account and do Java Tutorial Modules 1-3 (especially 3)

Rainy Day Instructions:

Option #1

- If computers are working

  • Use phone or computer
  • Go to Sololearn app
  • Sign up using Google account and begin the tutorials in Java.
  • You only need to do the first three. (i.e. stop before the tutorial "classes and objects")
  • When done go to another language of your choice



Option #2

- If computers are not working (or Study Hall)

  • Read Following Articles on Careers & Education - See Red folder in Teacher's Bottom Desk Drawer in Classroom
    • "What can you do with a Computer Science Degree?"
    • "Carleton Students Take on Shopify Internships" 
  • Fill in Document 

Summative: Design a Game in Java

Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework
Materials & Resources

May 24

Overview of Summative Project 

Repl Project: See Instructions & Rubric Here

Gantt Chart - Tom's Planner

Pseudocode within GitHub - Done before the end of first week

Mindomo - Summarize Completed Plan

  • Complete Hierarchy of Classes
  • Complete Project Overview
  • Before end Complete "How does my Project show..." 
  • Daily Notes must be used independently - DAILY!!!!!
  • Add a link to the GANTT Chart  
Game Choices 
May 27 
Gantt Chart
Sample Gantt Chart
May 31 Flow Chart Sample Flow Chart
May 28  Mindomo
  • Check your GEM account for an invitation to the Mindomo chart (Note: This invitation email may have gone into the spam folder)
  • Go through all details in Mindomo - Project Overview and begin to fill in the information about your project/game.
June 16 @ 11:59 pm (Repl.it) 
Summative Due
  •  This due date is firm.  There are no extensions.  
June 17, 18  Exam Review  


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